Old, New, Borrowed and Blue

Something old, something new. Something borrowed, something blue.

A piece of my mother. A piece of my daughter. One thing from my father. One thing from my brother.

One detailed locket with images of my parents. One gifted necklace newly bought. A pocket square around my bouquet. A pin in my hair.

Endless support. Forever love. Role modelling. Moving on.


Something old. Timeless. Priceless. Important.

My mother a figure I’ll never lose.

Not just a memory, but a life.

Experiences and knowledge. Love and care.

A container with my history.

Images of my past and future.

Detailed with flowers and gems.

Hanging on a ball chain and

shining with a copper tint.

Something new. Fresh. Innovative. Different.

My daughter a future woman of power.

Not just my blood, but my hope.

Learning and caring. Creating and moulding.

A gem of my future.

Reflecting the people in my life.

Adorned with swirls of metal.

Hanging on a short, thin chain

and hugging the base of my neck.

Something borrowed. Loaned. Entrusted. Taken.

My father a leader and watcher.

Not just a role model, but a friend.

Watching and helping. Teaching and loving.

A fabric everlasting.

Showing my love of my friends and family.

Decorated with marble of the same colour.

Folded into and grasped by my hands.

Wrapping itself around the handle of my bouquet.

Something blue. Sky. Water. Life.

My brother a mix of hatred, frustration and strength.

Not just a life, but a symbol of moving on.

Learning and yelling. Exploring and creating.

A metal never fading.

Shining and shimming in my hair.

Adorned with gems and beads of past.

Grasping the loose threads escaping my bun

and hanging on for dear life as I move.


Endless support. Forever love. Role modelling. Moving on.

One detailed locket with images of my parents. One gifted necklace newly bought. A pocket square around my bouquet. A pin in my hair.

A piece of my mother. A piece of my daughter. One thing from my father. One thing from my brother.

Something old, something new. Something borrowed, something blue.

One thing broken. One thing returned. A piece left behind. A piece coloured new.

A ceremony changed, no longer tradition. A gift returned, no regret had. One item untouched. One item orange.

New twists. Love in different ways. Acceptance for each other. Changing the story.


Something old. Ridiculous. Overused. Left alone.

A tradition left behind so quickly.

Not only untouched but broken.

Laughing and ignoring and smiling.

Not a container in my hand.

Images to push away.

Detailed with flowers and gems.

A chain so decorated yet unwanted.

Its copperness paining my eyes.


Something new. Rejected. Ignored. Untouched.

A gift unwanted and untaken.

Not only unaccepted but returned.

Dreaming and trying and enjoying.

No gem reflecting my eyes.

My future in something else.

Adorned with swirls of metal.

Its chain fighting to be held by me.

 My neck free of any jewelry.

Something borrowed. Returned. Unaccepted. Disregarded.

A token treasured but pushed away.

Not only rejected but untouched.

Finding and disregarding and creating.

Fabric thrown back.

Decorated with marble of the same colour.

Not sitting in my hands nor

Wrapping around my things.

Something blue. Sunset. Basketball. Carrots.

A colour different from normality.

Not just a pure glow but reflective like gold.

Loving and breaking and admiring.

Metal not shining for me.

Adorned with gems and beads of past.

My hair loose flowing down my shoulders

with no pin or clip in sight.

New twists. Love in different ways. Acceptance for each other. Changing the story.

A ceremony changed, no longer tradition. A gift returned, no regret had. One item untouched. One item orange.

One thing broken. One thing returned. A piece left behind. A piece coloured new.

Something old, something new. Something borrowed, something blue.



This started because the group I was sitting in said something about old and new. My mind immediately thought of the saying for every stereotypical wedding. So I ran with that and took each of the four – old, new, borrowed and blue – and created a story behind each piece. A locket, necklace, pocket square and pin. Each one from someone in a family. I started just explaining details about each of the people and then “my” perspective on each item. I then had a conversation one day with Hunnisett about it would be cool to write something about the anti- version of that. As I was writing later that day I found a way to beautifully blend it into that anti- version we had talked about. So this piece was born.


Photo Links: https://giphy.com/gifs/love-night-pixel-l1J9EGJfi5Ed817mU

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One thought on “Old, New, Borrowed and Blue

  1. Sydney,

    I love the contrast between the positives and negatives when talking about one subject. I’ve dabbled in it as well and it can be so hard to find things that relate but contrast at the same time and you’ve done a very good job of that.

    For improvement, I would just say to maybe use a larger variety of punctuation but that is really all I would say. Very beautiful piece overall.


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